WordPress Vulnerability Report
Your WordPress website is safe!
Scan URL: https://theclearevidence.org/
Scan Date: Sun Dec 29 16:47:09 2019 (UTC+1)
WordPress Version: Could not be detected
Risk Factor: 0
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Is my site really safe?
We have a good indication that your site is safe. This means that currently your data is probably safe. It is essential that you always keep your WordPress up to date. Below we will give you more information about how to improve security and some tips to prevent future vulnerabilities. Disclaimer: Since we used automated software there could be a small chance that your site is vulnerable because we made a false negative. Also, we don't test if the passwords you use are secure so you should do that yourself. In addition, we don't provide a full overview of all vulnerabilities and we don't scan your server for server security.
What did we scan?
WPSec.com uses the advanced scanning technology of WPScanner which we combine with our own intelligent scanning algorithms. We scan for known bugs that have been indexed in our WordPress Vulnerability Database, which contains over 14000 reported vulnerabilities. Our scanner tries to identify the plugins you run and will compare their versions against the bug database. In addition, we scan for several well-known mistakes that people make when setting up their WordPress installation.
Plugins & Themes
We have identified several plugins and themes in your WordPress installation. Always keep them up to date. WordPress theme in use: magazine-pro
Installation Directory
Version: 3.3.0
Installation Directory
Version: 1.0.5
Installation Directory
Installation Directory
Version: 1.1.4
Installation Directory
Version: 4.7.4
Installation Directory
Installation Directory